How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle, Auto Fast

How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle ? Slow and slow laptop performance will be quite disturbing to use a laptop, especially for important purposes.

Almost all learning activities require the use of a laptop. When your laptop starts to slow down, don’t rush to replace it with a new laptop.Because there are still several ways to overcome a slow laptop that might help. Causes of Slow Laptop Before discussing how to overcome a laptop whose performance is starting to slow down, it doesn’t hurt to first open up the possible causes of a laptop that is starting to slow down.

It could be that one of the causes of a slow laptop mentioned below is found on your laptop: The performance of the laptop is too heavy caused by the number of applications running and will be active when the laptop is turned on.
The hard disk capacity is too full so the laptop performance becomes heavier.
An old or outdated hard disk will affect the laptop’s performance to be slower.
too many temporary files that take up hard disk space and make the laptop slower.
There is a heavy program that is not supported by the laptop processor so it becomes very slow.
Laptop RAM that is too small.An old laptop.
Exposed to virus attacks.

Those are some of the possible causes of decreased laptop performance. Knowing the exact cause of why the laptop becomes slow, will be very helpful when it comes to dealing with it properly.

How to Solve a Slow Laptop
Usage that has exceeded the maximum limit can cause the laptop to lag or freeze. Pay attention to the ways that will be discussed below to restore the performance of your laptop that is already slow. Use Antivirus The most common reason why a laptop becomes slow is because it is attacked by a virus or malware. To prevent a decrease in laptop performance, try to install the best antivirus to avoid attacks from all kinds of viruses. Make sure you always check it regularly and update the antivirus. This is done so that the antivirus can continue to read various kinds of viruses that want to attack the laptop.

How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle, Auto Fast
How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle, Auto Fast

Use Applications According to Laptop Specifications

When you want to buy a laptop, make sure you already know the specifications of the laptop to be purchased. That way, you can adjust to daily use.

Some laptops are specialized to support games with large RAM or laptops needed for video editors and graphic designers. Some laptops can be bought at low prices but are specialized for the use of applications that are not heavy, such as the use of school children.

To avoid slow laptop performance, use applications according to your laptop specifications. Choose an application whose specifications are lower so that it will not make the laptop slow.

Uninstall Unused Applications
Installing too many applications can cause laptop performance to decrease and make it slow.

To prevent your laptop from slowing down, delete unneeded applications. Full C Drive capacity will make the system on the laptop take longer to read the hard disk. Use the application according to your needs. It would be a shame if the laptop memory is full just because of unused applications.

This is how to overcome a slow laptop without having to use special techniques or software. You can overcome it and restore laptop performance. Clean Desktop and Applications at Startup Keeping many applications on the desktop can cause the laptop to become slow. If the laptop specifications support this, then this will not be a big problem. However, sometimes storing too many applications on the desktop will cause the laptop to take a long time to respond to user commands.

In addition, try not to have too many applications running during laptop startup. You can turn off certain applications by opening the task manager, and then selecting startup.

How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle, Auto Fast
How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle, Auto Fast

After that, see what applications are running on your laptop when the laptop is just turned on. Try not to have too many applications running, because they will be working in the background and silently eating up RAM capacity.

If you buy a laptop with a low RAM capacity such as 4 GB, you can add it to 8 GB RAM or 16 GB RAM.

This will help the laptop performance faster and not easily slow down. When adding RAM, also pay attention to the RAM specifications (DDR3 RAM, DDR3L RAM, or DDR4 RAM).

Don’t forget to find out what the maximum RAM capacity can be applied to your laptop.

Change HDD Memory to SSD

Slow laptops can be caused by the use of HDD hard disks which have slower data rates compared to SSD storage.

Therefore, changing HDD storage to SSD will help the boot process much faster. Although the price of SSD is more expensive, this method is guaranteed to make the laptop less slow and more responsive. Use Cooling Pad

Hot laptop temperatures can make laptop performance slower. Then you can use a cooling pad device as an additional fan that can keep the laptop temperature from getting too hot. You can also use a vacuum cooler that can suck out the hot air inside the laptop. Both will be very helpful to maintain the temperature of the laptop when used.

Clean Drive C

When a laptop is old, usually above 3 years, its performance will also decline. One solution that can be done when the laptop is slow is to routinely clean the C Drive.

You can check and select applications that burden the laptop or applications that are no longer used. Uninstall them to improve your laptop’s performance.

Do a Windows Reset

Windows reset can be a solution when the laptop feels heavy and slow. Especially if the laptop used is an old laptop.

An old laptop will affect the work of the operating system, especially Windows. So Windows will often error and cause the laptop to become slow.

How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle, Auto Fast
How to Solve Slow Laptop without Hassle, Auto Fast

Before you reset Windows, make sure you have backed up all the data and files on your laptop.

Utilize Disk Defragment Tools Furthermore, how to overcome a slow laptop can be tricked by utilizing the Disk Defragment tool in the control panel. By doing the analysis and optimization stages, the files and data on your laptop will be arranged in such a way.

You will find out how many junk files are stored on the laptop, making the laptop’s performance slow. Using Thermal Paste on the Processor

Hot laptop temperatures can be one of the causes of a slow laptop. You can use thermal paste to ensure that the laptop temperature is better maintained during use.

Thermal paste will help cool down the temperature of your laptop processor, preventing laptop performance from becoming sluggish.

Routinely Delete Files in Temporary Folders

Files contained in the temp folder are the result of application extracts such as design editing. Laptop users usually forget that this file is stored on the laptop automatically.

If not routinely cleaned, these files will accumulate and cause laptop memory to decrease.

This will be the risk of the laptop becoming slow. For that, you can delete the file to overcome a slow laptop in this way:

Press the Windows key + R on the keyboard
Type %temp% in the column provided, then press enter.
After that, block all files with the CTRL + A keys.
Then click Shift + Delete to delete all files in the temporary folder. Routinely Clean Files in the Prefetch Folder

In addition to files in the temporary folder, it is recommended that you routinely delete files in the prefetch folder to overcome a slow laptop. The files here are safe to delete and will increase boot speed and hard disk capacity. Steps to delete the prefetch folder: Press the Windows key + R on the keyboard
Type prefetch in the field provided, then press enter.
After that, click OK if there is administrator permission.
Then delete all files in the folder.

Stop Excessive Visual Effect

Another way to overcome a slow laptop is to turn off visual effects that are not needed on a laptop. How to turn it off? Here are the steps:

Please open the Windows Explorer menu.
Type This PC, then right-click.
Select the properties menu.
Select Advanced System Settings in the performance section.
Then select settings.
After that change the option to custom and use a visual effect that does not burden the laptop.

Those are some ways to overcome a slow laptop that can be done by yourself. Make sure to take care of your laptop regularly if you want its performance to last longer and not be easily damaged. If you have done the methods above and the laptop performance is still very heavy, you can consult with a laptop service directly.
